How to Thrive as an ADHD Writer

Let me just cut down to the chase being a writer is already tough enough. Trying to come up with 500, 1,000, 100,000 words oh god that's earth shattering. But when you have ADHD and paralysis and you don't know time management and everything that comes along with
ADHD. Sometimes being a writer can be overkill I know because I'm an ADHD writer. And I'm here today to tell you two things October is ADHD Awareness month and I'm here to give you my own tips as an ADHD writer in todays age. Getting lost in distraction and having no energy so you have to sleep for 13 hours for 4 days to fully recover. If this sounds like you keep on reading.
1. Increment Work periods
You're probably confusing like what's an Increment Work Period. Basically its shorter but more consistent periods you work. Instead of 4 hours of uninterrupted work you can divide that into smaller time frames like 30 minutes an hour. However it helps your schedule throughout your days ,week ,month whatever. Its your choose on how you go about it but just look up pomedero method for the time you want and just get the work flowing.
2. Character Development
Now if you don't have any idea on what to write or where the hell your story is going like me half the time is character development. Some people just think its for shows but it isn’t the authors and creators of your favs have hand crafted and have studied how their characters are going to act, look like, personality etc... You don't have to be an artist to draw them out and if you want to that's fine but just describing about them makes your reader more understanding how these people are, how they into the story, how they will act I could go on about that because I'm an artist myself but at the same time I don't have time for creating these characters on procreate or by hand. As long as they get visual in context, descriptions, illustrations any of these help you become a better writer or author because your starting to plan out your story well. I recommend a book called Creating Character Arcs if that is something your interested in.
3. Exposure Note taking
This is not what you're thinking, I'm not telling you to take actual feasible notes from a boring topic in a classroom setting. I'm talking about the random thoughts we have and we write it down so we remember but do that with writing our new story. Some of the best ideas for the plot of my own book have just been from me moping around and then the idea just
flows to me naturally to put into my book. How I've posed myself to that is expose myself to a very similar or if not exactly the same type of thing I'm trying to write but not writing in the moment just doing exposure therapy essentially. And I keep letting that play until those sparks go off in my brain. Once thy come put them in a book document, put them in notes on iPhone wherever you keep your own note taking. Its wherever you wanna keep that adventure at.
4. Have fun
My last tip is the most easy thing you could do is have fun with this. As much as it is to be serious and just process the writing the story and planning. Some people don't think and remember their human and just make it seem all serious. I love doing what I do because its fun and it makes me happy and that should too. By writing your own story or creating characters or anything related to writing for your story it feels special because its your story, your writing this for you. And if you can’t sit through your own story, YouTube video, TikTok none else will so you have to play around, have fun and enjoy the process because its new and also fun if you choose to find that fun for yourself along the way.
I hope you enjoyed reading this short little blog post on how to thrive as an ADHD writer even if you're not these can work for anyone. I hope you learned the little and insightful tips I gave please let me know if you’d to see anymore from me in the future in another blog post. Make sure you subscribe to Singularity Press down below and once again thank you and enjoy your day. Vielen Danke.
Submitted by Stephie Ombre